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University Parallel, A.A. - Art (Studio) (TTP)
Degree: Associate of Arts
Major: University Parallel
Area of Emphasis: Art (Studio)
For more information, contact the Humanities division at 615-230-3200 or at humanities@volstate.edu.
This pathway is for students planning to complete a bachelor’s degree at a four-year school. The standard pre-professional degree for artists and designers is a Bachelor of Fine Arts (B.F.A.). Individuals majoring in art have a variety of career opportunities including, but not limited to, studio artist, graphic designer, photographer, web and/or multimedia designer, product and/or package designer, interior designer, craft artist including jewelry or textile designer, museum curator, art historian, and educator.
Additionally, an art curriculum provides intensive education in problem-solving strategies, a skill both useful and desired in many occupations. For those students primarily interested in developing their problem-solving skills, Two-Dimensional Design, Three-Dimensional Design, and Graphic Design are recommended.
Transfer Options
Tennessee Transfer Pathways (TTPs) are advising tools designed to help community college students plan for transferring to a Tennessee public university or select regionally accredited, non-profit Tennessee private colleges and universities to complete their baccalaureate degree. The TTPs also constitute an agreement between community colleges and four-year colleges/universities confirming that community college courses meet major preparation requirements. For transfer to other four-year institutions, contact an advisor at the senior institution. Note: Due to the transferability to a four-year institution, there are to be no course substitutions where a specific course is required in the TTP curriculum guide.
All students graduating with a degree from VSCC are required to take the E-Proficiency Profile (EPP) to meet graduation requirements. More information can be found at https://www.volstate.edu/graduation/exit-exams.
CIP Code: (16) 24.0101.01
General Education Requirements - Credits (41)
- COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
OR COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking Credits: (3)
- ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
- ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
- ART 2000 - ^Art History Survey I Credits: (3) 1
- ART 2020 - ^Art History Survey II Credits: (3) 1
- Humanities and/or Fine Arts (Must be Literature Course) Credits: (3)
- History ( HIST 2310 and HIST 2320 Preferred) Credits: (6)
- Mathematics Credits: (3)
- Natural Sciences Credits (8)
- Social/Behavioral Sciences Credits: (6)
Area of Emphasis Requirements - Credits (21)
- ART 1045 - Drawing I Credits: (3)
- ART 1050 - Drawing II Credits: (3) ²
- ART 1340 - Foundations Studio I Credits: (3)
- ART 1350 - Foundations Studio II Credits: (3)
- Foreign Language (One-Year Sequence in a Single Foreign Language) Credits: (6)
- Art Electives (Choose from the following list) Credits: (3)
ART 135 - Ceramics I Credits: (3)
ART 136 - Introduction to Printmaking Credits: (3)
ART 155 - Introduction to Photography and Digital Imaging Credits: (3)
ART 211 - Painting I Credits: (3)
ART 212 - Painting II Credits: (3)
ART 253 - Graphic Design I Credits: (3)
ART 260 - Special Studies in Art Credits: (3)
ART 280T - Individual Problems in Art Credits: (1-6)
Total Degree Requirements - Credits (62)
1 Students who attend community colleges that do not offer ARTH 2010, 2020 will complete these courses upon transfer to a university. These students will complete requirements in the Humanities/Fine Arts as prescribed at the community college where they are enrolled.
2 Students who plan to attend East Tennessee State University or the University of Tennessee, Knoxville will complete Drawing I and a three-hour elective course in Studio Art rather than Drawing II.
Recommended Schedule
This is a recommended schedule. Learning Support, pre-requisites and other academic factors may impact this schedule. See your advisor to create a degree plan.
DegreeWorks, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning. Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the DegreeWorks audit, which is accessible through My Volstate.
First Year - Fall Semester - Credits (15)
- ART 1045 - Drawing I Credits: (3)
- ART 2000 - ^Art History Survey I Credits: (3) 1
- ART 1340 - Foundations Studio I Credits: (3)
- ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
- History (See General Education Requirements in Catalog - HIST 2310 Preferred) Credits: (3)
First Year - Spring Semester - Credits (15)
- ART 1050 - Drawing II Credits: (3) 2
- ART 2020 - ^Art History Survey II Credits: (3) 1
- ART 1350 - Foundations Studio II Credits: (3)
- ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
- History (See General Education Requirements in Catalog - HIST 2320 Preferred) Credits: (3)
Second Year - Fall Semester - Credits (16)
- Foreign Language (One-Year Sequence in a Single Foreign Language) Credits: (3)
- Natural Sciences (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (4)
- COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
OR COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking Credits: (3)
- Humanities and/or Fine Arts (Literature Course - See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
- Social/Behavioral Sciences (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
Second Year - Spring Semester - Credits (16)
- Foreign Language (One-Year Sequence in a Single Foreign Language) Credits: (3)
- Natural Sciences (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (4)
- Mathematics (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
- Art Electives (Choose from list above) Credits: (3)
- Social/Behavioral Sciences (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)