Students can participate in study abroad programs in more than 20 countries around the world. Courses in all programs are for college credit, and scholarships to help with program costs are available for those who qualify.
Study abroad programs provide life-changing academic experiences. Every program enables students to immerse themselves in another culture while visiting sites of cultural and historical importance that connect directly to the course material. Study abroad programs range from 1-3 weeks and take place over spring break and throughout the summer. Some programs include students and faculty from across Tennessee. Others are Vol State faculty-led programs with only VSCC students. The Tennessee Consortium for International Studies (TnCIS) administers both types of programs for Vol State.
Vol State Study Abroad Locations
Vol State faculty and students have participated in study abroad in all of these exciting locations, with more to come in the future. Click on the links for a virtual introduction to each destination.
- Ecuador/Galapagos Islands - Immerse Yourself in the Mecca of Biologists
- England - Take a Stroll Through Buckingham Palace in London, England
- Grand European Capitals (includes Amsterdam, Berlin, and Paris) - Climb the Eiffel Tower
- Ireland - Explore the Cliffs of Moher in Ireland
- South Africa - Meet the Penguins at Boulders Beach in South Africa
Plus, there are many more programs available through the TnCIS consortium.
Study Abroad Scholarships
There is not a separate application for study abroad scholarships. Students who complete an application to study abroad with TnCIS will automatically have their application evaluated for scholarship purposes. To be eligible for study abroad scholarships from the International Education fee, a student must....
- be currently enrolled at Vol State
- have a minimum 2.5 GPA at the time of application and award date
- be in “good standing” at the time of application and award date – this includes academic and disciplinary matters
- have completed a minimum of 12 college level credit hours by the start of the program
- be 18 years old by the start of the program
- have completed the program application by the posted deadline
Study abroad scholarships will be based on available funds, number of applicants per program, applicant eligibility, and strength of the application. Additionally, students may be asked to participate in an interview with a member of the International Education Committee as part of the award process.
2025 scholarships will be prioritized for students who have not previously received a study abroad scholarship and apply for one of the following classes and programs:
- ENGL 2045 in France
- ENGL 2045 in South Africa
- ENGL 2320 in Ireland
- HIST 2320 in Ireland
- HIST 2320 in Scotland
- MATH 1010 in Scotland
- MATH 1530 in Grand European Capitals
- MUS 1030 in South Korea
- NRSG 1141 in India
- OPHT 2320 in Guatemala
- SOCI 1040 in India
Due to the complexity of financial aid regulations, individual students are responsible for consulting with the Vol State office of Financial Aid regarding the impact of study abroad registration, costs, and/or scholarships awarded.
In addition to the study abroad program fee, all students enrolled in Vol State faculty-led study abroad programs pay a minimum of tuition and applicable mandatory fees for the course they register for.
Vol State will not collect tuition for students enrolled in TnCIS consortium-model study abroad programs.
Information Sessions
Information sessions about study abroad programs and scholarships are held during the academic year. Check here for available sessions.