Foundation Scholarships

A primary function of Volunteer State College Foundation is to increase the level of educational attainment by the citizens of northern middle Tennessee. To this end, the Foundation seeks funds for capital projects, academic program support, necessary operational expenses not covered by state or federal funding, and to provide scholarships. Currently, the Foundation offers more than 175 different annual and endowed scholarships.

Foundation Scholarship Application Process

Please read the following information that explains our scholarship application and awarding process.

Scholarship Eligibility Requirements

  • Minimum 2.0 cumulative GPA (some scholarships require a higher GPA)
  • You must have been accepted for admission to Volunteer State Community College and remain in good standing with the college.
  • You must complete the 2025-2026 FAFSA.
  • Summer Term scholarships are awarded when funding is available. Contact for assistance with this process.
  • Scholarships must be used for the year/semester awarded. Unused or unaccepted scholarships will be rescinded and awarded to another student.
  • Generally, students may receive only one Foundation scholarship per academic year.
  • Volunteer State College Foundation Scholarship Committee has final authority regarding scholarship awards. The applicant's name and personal information are not revealed to the Scholarship Review Committee. The Volunteer State College Foundation Scholarship Committee may authorize or withdraw scholarships at any time.
  • Recipients will receive an award letter at their email address listing the criteria requirements necessary to accept the scholarship and receive the scholarship funds.
  • Before the scholarship award is sent to the Office of Financial Aid, the acceptance process must be finalized. Failure to submit all required information will result in the cancellation of the scholarship.
  • Scholarship recipients’ grades and the number of hours passed/enrolled will be verified at the end of each semester to ensure that the recipient still meets the scholarship’s criteria.  The scholarship will be rescinded should the recipient’s GPA or hours passed/enrolled fail to meet the criteria or if the student is no longer in good standing with the college.

General Information

  • The General Application applies you for over one hundred Foundation scholarships.  A select few scholarships may require additional questions.  You may apply for all additional scholarships for which you meet the criteria requirements.
  • Keep in mind that scholarship funds are limited, and the awarding process is competitive.  Meeting the eligibility requirements does not guarantee a student will receive a scholarship.
  • To improve your candidacy, you should submit all required material in a timely basis.
  • Essays are crucial in the application process.  Take your time to include all information that you feel is relevant to your situation and use correct grammar.
  • Funds that you receive from public and private sources are taken into consideration during the awarding process.  Applicants receiving in excess of $2,000 over tuition may not be considered for a Foundation scholarship.
  • If awarded a “renewable” scholarship, you must reapply for the next academic year to be considered for the scholarship. Scholarships being renewed are also contingent on the donor funding the scholarship for the next year. 

Important Deadlines

  • Priority date for Fall 2025 is June 1, 2025.  Applications are accepted after this date, but the scholarship award process will begin the first of June.
  • Deadline for the VSCC Alumni Scholarship is June 1, 2025.
  • Deadline for the John B. Wallace Health Sciences Scholarship is August 1, 2025.

Release of Information

By accepting a scholarship, you grant permission for your grades to be released to the donor. Also, the Foundation may use photos or other correspondence (essays, thank you letters, etc) in publicity materials.

Notification Instructions

All communication is done through the applicant’s VSCC email or via text to the cell phone on the student application. Each applicant is responsible for checking email for notification and acceptance of a Foundation scholarship and other correspondence from the Scholarship Associate. Failure to complete award requirements within the required time limit will result in loss of scholarship.


Applicants will use their Portal username and password to access the application system.


After reading the above information, you may proceed to the application.

Go to Application

Federal Aid

Please visit the Financial Aid page on federal and state aid for more detailed information regarding Federal Aid.