Entertainment Media Production, A.A.S. - Music Production

Degree: Associate of Applied Science
Major: Entertainment Media Production
Concentration: Music Production

For more information, contact the Humanities division at 615-230-3200 or at humanities@volstate.edu.

Entertainment Media Production combines several areas with the same purpose: to get students trained and plugged into the entertainment industry in Tennessee. Tracks include concentrations in music production, music business, multimedia and web design, video production, and digital and broadcast media. The Associate of Applied Science is designed for the media workplace.

This track prepares students for work in studios and with music industry companies. The subject areas include audio recording techniques, digital audio technology, and audio for multimedia. Courses are designed to round out studio skills with conceptual knowledge, such as media advertising and sales. Students work in the Vol State recording studio anchored by an Avid/Euphonix S5 Fusion digital audio console with Eucon technology.

All students graduating with a degree from VSCC are required to take the E-Proficiency Profile (EPP) to meet graduation requirements. More information can be found at https://www.volstate.edu/graduation/exit-examsor by talking with your advisor.

Program​ Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this program, the graduate will have developed the skills, knowledge and abilities to accomplish the following:

  1. Apply knowledge of entertainment industry terminology and processes to real-world scenarios.
  2. Apply targeted marketing principles to effectively sell a product or artist.
  3. Evaluate 2-dimensional visuals for use in entertainment marketing and communication.
  4. Design and manipulate digital images to create effective communications for the entertainment industry.
  5. Explain and apply basic music terminology and theory.
  6. Students will be able to work as a team to create an effective new artist presentation for industry representatives.

CIP Code: (30) 50.0102.00

General Education Requirements - Credits (15)

  • COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking Credits: (3)
  • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
  • ENGL 2860 - ^Introduction to Film Credits: (3)
  • OR MUS 1030 - ^Introduction to Music  Credits: (3)

  • MATH 1010 - ^Math for General Studies Credits: (3) OR HIGHER
  • Social/Behavioral Sciences  Credits: (3)

Major Core Course Requirements - Credits (15)

  • ART 1340 - Foundations Studio I Credits: (3)
  • COMM 250 - Introduction to Social Media Credits: (3)
  • EMPR 1125 - *Introduction to Entertainment Business Credits: (3)
  • EMPR 1150 - *Introduction to Entertainment Business II Credits: (3)
  • EMPR 2299P - *Capstone Experience Credits: (2-3) (Must be taken as 3 Credits)

Concentration Course Requirements - Credits (30)

  • EMPR 1270 - *Audio for Media Credits: (3)
  • EMPR 1271 - *Introduction to Audio Recording Techniques Credits: (3)
  • EMPR 2200 - *Music Tour Logistics I Credits: (3)
  • EMPR 2250 - *Music Tour Logistics II Credits: (3)
  • EMPR 2272 - *Digital Audio Technology Credits: (3)
  • EMPR 2273 - *Live Sound Recording and Reinforcement Credits: (3)
  • EMPR 2295P - *Recording Practicum Credits: (1-3) (Must be taken as 2 Credits)
  • MUS 226 - Music Technology I Credits: (3)
  • MUS 1002 - Fundamentals of Music Theory Credits: (3)
  • MUS 1057 - Music Theory I Credits: (3)
  • MUS 1058 - Ear Training I Credits: (1)

Total Degree Requirements - Credits (60)

Recommended Schedule

This is a recommended schedule.  Learning Support, pre-requisites and other academic factors may impact this schedule.  See your advisor to create a degree plan.

Degree Works, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning.  Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the Degree Works audit, which is accessible through My Volstate.

First Year - Fall Semester - Credits (15)

  • EMPR 1270 - *Audio for Media Credits: (3)
  • MUS 1002 - Fundamentals of Music Theory Credits: (3)
  • EMPR 1125 - *Introduction to Entertainment Business Credits: (3)
  • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
  • ENGL 2860 - ^Introduction to Film Credits: (3)
  • OR  MUS 1030 - ^Introduction to Music  Credits: (3)

First Year - Spring Semester - Credits (16)

  • EMPR 1271 - *Introduction to Audio Recording Techniques Credits: (3)
  • EMPR 1150 - *Introduction to Entertainment Business II Credits: (3)
  • MUS 1057 - Music Theory I Credits: (3)
  • MUS 1058 - Ear Training I Credits: (1)
  • MUS 226 - Music Technology I Credits: (3)
  • ART 1340 - Foundations Studio I Credits: (3)

Second Year - Fall Semester - Credits (15)

  • EMPR 2272 - *Digital Audio Technology Credits: (3)
  • EMPR 2200 - *Music Tour Logistics I Credits: (3)
  • COMM 250 - Introduction to Social Media Credits: (3)
  • COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking Credits: (3)
  • MATH 1010 - ^Math for General Studies Credits: (3) OR HIGHER

Second Year - Spring Semester - Credits (14)

  • EMPR 2250 - *Music Tour Logistics II Credits: (3)
  • EMPR 2273 - *Live Sound Recording and Reinforcement Credits: (3)
  • EMPR 2295P - *Recording Practicum Credits: (1-3) (Must be taken as 2 Credits)
  • Social/Behavioral Sciences   (See General Education Requirements in the Catalog) Credits: (3)
  • EMPR 2299P - *Capstone Experience Credits: (2-3) (Must be taken as 3 Credits)