Research, Assessment, and Special Initiatives

Mission Statement

The Office of VP for Research, Assessment, and Special Initiatives facilitates the integration of assessment, planning, institutional effectiveness, and institutional research to encourage continuous assessment and improvement of academic programs and administrative services by providing leadership and actively participating in the strategic planning and evaluation processes for the College. The primary functions of the Office include

  • assisting and coordinating the development of unit effectiveness and assessment plans;
  • providing data about the College and its students and personnel for external agencies, governing boards, program reviews, accreditations, the federal government, and internal constituencies;
  • conducting analytical studies that provide information to support planning and decision-making;
  • preparing reports on the effectiveness and improvement of educational programs and administrative/support services;
  • providing leadership and support to the College's strategic planning process.

Disclosure Information Index

Student Right to Know Act

The following information is provided in compliance with the federal Student Right-to-Know (SRTK) and Campus Security Act of 1990, which requires all institutions of higher education to disclose information about program completion. The graduation and transfer-out rates are provided for all first-time full-time students who first enrolled at Volunteer State Community College during the Fall 2020 semester. The graduation rate includes all students who completed a certificate or associate degree in three years or less of initial enrollment at the institution. The transfer-out rate represents students transferring to another higher education institution. The graduation rate for full-time students first enrolled in Fall 2021 and graduating by August 2024 was 30.7%. The transfer-out rate for this same population was 10.0%. The combined graduation and transfer-out rate was 33.0%. Graduation rates for athletes are as follows: basketball 64.4%; baseball: 82.7%; softball: 93.8%. Transfer rates for athletes are as follows: basketball 24%; baseball: 46.5%; softball: 65.9%. The combined rates for athletes are as follows: basketball 44.2%; baseball: 64.6%; softball: 79.9%. Additional information concerning the completion rates of students may be obtained from the Office of VP for Research, Assessment, and Special Initiatives.

Information About Students Enrolled August 2021 and Graduating by August 2024

CategoryGraduation RateTransfer-Out RateCombined
Full Time30.7%10.0%20.35%

Additional information concerning the completion rates of students may be obtained from the Office of VP for Research, Assessment, and Special Initiatives.

Statistics for all crimes are published and distributed to employees and students on an annual basis, in the time frames required by Federal/State law, and are available to applicants for enrollment or employment upon request from the Department of Campus Police at (615) 230-3595.