Technology Access Fee Expenditure Request
- Please see rules below to make sure the request is eligible
- Items under $2000 do not require approval of the Computing and Technology Committee. These requests require the signature of the Department Head, Vice President of Academic Affairs, and the CIO.
- Items above $2000 require approval of the Computing and Technology Committee
- All software requests must be accompanied by terms and conditions of the software license
- Sole source items must be accompanied by a 'sole source' letter from the vendor
The form will be electronically submitted to the Department Head, Academic Vice President and the CIO for approval. Items above $2000 will then be routed to the Chair of the Computing and Technology Committee for committee review.
Upon approval, a purchase requisition will be entered by Information Technology.
Technology Access Fee Guidelines
The TAF should be used by TBR institutions for direct student benefit, for items such as new and improved high technology laboratories and classrooms, appropriate network and software, computer and other equipment, and technological improvements that enhance instruction.
- Computer and other technical laboratory supplies, equipment, software and maintenance.
- Network costs (WWW, internet, interactive video, etc.)
- “Smart” or multi-media classroom equipment and classroom modifications.
- Lab and course staffing – student and staff assistance for lab and classroom uses.
- Renewal and replacement reserves as necessary.
- Faculty and staff development directly related to the introduction or application of new technology which impacts students. These guidelines should have the flexibility to place instructional technology in a faculty lab where course materials are being prepared. For example, TAF funds can be used to create faculty labs to include the purchase of computers and to conduct faculty training and course development. {Travel costs for faculty and staff are excluded; however, consultants may be hired as needed for training.}
- Infrastructure (wiring, network, servers, etc.) necessary to provide students maximum computing capability. A ceiling is established of 50% of the total project costs from which technology access fees can be used.
- Expand technology resources in library, i.e. video pipe anywhere on campus, interactive video room for distance education, network for web video courses.
The TAF Request Form is now located in Dynamic Forms