Event Submission

The Vol State Events Calendar offers a central listing of events and dates of interest to students, faculty, staff, and the community. This service is provided by the Office of Marketing, Communications, and Media Services in partnership with the Office of Information Technology.

The event submission form should be used to list your events in the VSCC web calendar, digital signs located around campus, and social media. If you would like to promote your event through additional outlets, please contact the Office of Marketing, Communications, and Media Services.

We recommend you list your event at least two weeks before the event is scheduled to take place. If you would like to feature your event in the campus-wide digital sign, you will need to submit the event four weeks in advance.

All events listed on the VSCC Calendar must be sponsored by a college department or an organization affiliated with the college. Please allow at least 48 hours for your event to be reviewed and approved by a calendar manager.

Allowed Event Types

  • Athletic Events
  • Performing Arts Events
  • Academic Calendar Dates
  • College-wide Special Events
  • Seminars, Fairs and Workshops
  • Student Life Events and Activities
  • VSCC-related Community Events
  • Student Organization Meetings and Events

Disallowed Event Types

  • Personal or private events
  • Faculty and Staff Committee Meetings
  • Any event in conflict with VSCC policy
  • Departmental or organizational events that should not be visible to the public
  • On-campus events hosted by someone who is not a member of the VSCC community (unless prior approval is obtained)

Event Submission Tips

Please proof your entry before submission. You cannot revise an entry once it is submitted. If you need to correct information for an event that has not yet been approved, use the link on the submission confirmation email to withdraw your entry, then submit a new event with the updated information. If you need to CANCEL your event, please email webmaster@volstate.edu with the event information.

Event Title:  The event title should be short. The Event Details field should be used to provide more information. Please use proper punctuation and avoid using quotation marks in the event title. Do not use all capital letters.

Submitter Information: Please provide your details in this field. This information will not be displayed to the public and will only be used to contact you about your event submission.

Contact Name, Email, and Phone: A contact name and email are required for all events.

Date and Time: List start date and time of event. Use the Repeat option for reoccurring events or events lasting multiple days.

Location: The location field is a required. Please list building where event will take place. If the event is happening Off-Campus, please type Off-Campus.

Room: List the room where event will take place.


  • Location: Thigpen Library.
    Room: Rochelle Center
  • Location: Caudill Hall.
    Room: Wemyss Auditorium
  • Location: Ramer Administration Building.
    Room: Great Hall

Images: If you have high-quality photos or a poster for your event, please attach it to the event form.

Note: We cannot guarantee inclusion of last minute requests and may edit copy for grammar and style.

Event Submission Form