COVID-19 Information

Current Status: All Campus Locations Open

The Vol State community has done an excellent job keeping each other healthy and safe throughout the pandemic and we are encouraged by the low number of active cases on our campuses.

Our current guidelines are as follows:

Masks are encouraged, but not required, on campus. Free disposable masks, as well as hand sanitizer, are available at all campus locations. These items are primarily found in hygiene stations marking most entry points at each building on the Gallatin campus and at the entry point of the campus locations in Livingston, Cookeville and Springfield.

Quarantine guidelines will be set by the state’s Commissioner of Health and not by local boards of health. Continuing to fill out the self-reporting form linked under the COVID-19 tab in the My Vol State portal will help us support you and determine how the new bill affects recommended actions.

Vol State does not require anyone to be vaccinated or to show proof of vaccination. We do still encourage everyone to protect themselves by wearing a mask while indoors, utilize social distancing where appropriate, practice good hand hygiene, and stay home when you or a member of your household is sick.

All students working, interning, or gaining clinical experience off campus must comply with immunization requirements mandated by the facilities they are serving. Vol State does not set or control health or immunization requirements.

Individual Responsibility

We should all remain vigilant and self-report any contact or any symptoms. Please stay home if you are sick.

Individuals are expected to follow guidelines and principles that promote the health of the campus community at-large. Measures outlined help protect one another and help prevent the spread of the virus. Because medical experts believe the continued spread of the virus is partly due to contagious people who have no symptoms, all faculty, staff, students and visitors are required to adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Stay home when feeling ill, when exposed to COVID-19 (e.g. positive household member case), or if diagnosed with a confirmed case of COVID-19. To reinforce individual responsibility, faculty must demonstrate flexibility with students who are absent from class due to illness or quarantine. Likewise, supervisors must be flexible with employees who are absent due to illness or quarantine.
  • Employees or students who are particularly vulnerable to COVID-19 according to the CDC are encouraged to work with their supervisors or course faculty to identify possible alternatives for work or academic instruction.
  • If you have been exposed, please visit TN Department of Health for more information.
  • Wash hands more frequently, avoid touching face, wear face coverings when appropriate. 
  • Practice recommended physical distancing when appropriate.
  • Adhere to notices and instructions posted around campus related to COVID-19 mitigation.
  • Follow specific safety and health parameters that are outlined in this document along with future campus directives.